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Learn markdown in 3 minutes

waltherg edited this page Jun 11, 2013 · 7 revisions

Markdown syntax is extremely simple and you can learn all you need to know within a few minutes.

Also refer to this excellent cheatsheet.

Formatting headings

# First level
## Second Level
### Third level
#### Fourth level
##### Fifth level
###### Sixth level

Bold and Italics

Bold: **some text**

Italics:  _some other text_

Also italics: *this is also italics*


[link text](link)
example: [click here for a web page](

Figures and Images

Figures are formatted the same as links but just add a ! before the square bracked.

![text description](/path/to/image)

You can have a picture with a link:

[![text description](/path/to/image)](

Horizontal lines




Code and verbatim

Inline code: `some code`

Code block:

    some code
    and another line of code
    some more code

Subscript (Pandoc only)


Superscript (Pandoc only)


That's most of the formatting you'll need to get by. I'll get into citation and table formatting on a separate page.