My name is Luchao Qi, I am thrilled and excited about exploring the fields of Machine Learning, Deep Learning (Neural Rendering & Computer Graphics), Bioinformatics (NGS), and Algorithm Design for solving real-world problems having profound implications.
I am the kind of person who goes sleepless when introduced to any interesting new technology, with a burning and devoted urge to pursue research in that area. Given any problem, I always try to solve it with efficiency to the most intricate levels of the problem.
- MyTimeMachine: Personalized Facial Age Transformation
- My3DGen: A Scalable Personalized 3D Generative Model
- Answer by lqi for Google Colab running any cell received javascript related errors
- Answer by lqi for Understanding mov in assembly
From: 29 December 2023 - To: 28 December 2024
Total Time: 694 hrs 14 mins
Python 366 hrs 21 mins >>>>>>>>>>>>>------------ 52.70 %
sh 263 hrs 21 mins >>>>>>>>>---------------- 37.88 %
HTML 37 hrs 41 mins >------------------------ 05.42 %
Text 4 hrs 58 mins ------------------------- 00.72 %
JavaScript 4 hrs 22 mins ------------------------- 00.63 %