- Used 4 pins for control 12 dumbs LEDs, plus one pin for button.
- ISP programming for ATtiny13, RESET pin not used.
- Traffic Light signals are fully compatible with Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals.
- Work from one 1.5v Alcaline AA battery.
- I trust my dauther then she describe it as "cutie".
- Short pressing button change working between next modes:
- Amber flashing.
- Red -> Red and Amber -> Green -> Flashing Green -> Amber -> Red -> ...
- Long push button for sleep|wakeup Traffic Light to|from power down mode.
- TrafficLight13 Source code, C language altrouth .ino (arduino) extention of file.
- TrafficLight13.ino
- TrafficLight13.vcxproj
- TrafficLight13.vcxproj.filters
- docs Documentation. Appnotes, datasheets ect.
- ATtiny13A datasheet.pdf
- ATmega328 datasheet.pdf
- AVR4013 — PicoPower basics.pdf
- AVR4027 - Tips and Tricks to Optimize Your C Code.pdf
- Button state machine.vsd
- power.xlsx
- gcc One pair command files for win-cmd shell: compile and upload firmware to ATtiny13.
- 0_MAKE & asm.cmd
- 0_MAKE & upload.cmd
- pix Project pictures.
- arduino pro mini pinout.png
- attiny13 min setup.png
- Button state machine.jpg
- usbasp pinout.png
- vs scr.png
- led colors and voltages.jpg
- attiny13piout.jpg
- schematic Schematic Layout and PCB design files for DipTrace CAD.
- traffic light ver0.dch
- traffic light.dch
- traffic light.dip
PCB only for ATtiny13. Source code of programm fully works on ATtiny13, but on ATMega328 not realised only button functions.
Oups, You should understand Russian voice, sorry. )))) Or You can press Mute and just get pleasure from light show, its awesome.