F# spotify-cli-linux A command line interface to Spotify on Linux. This project is inspired by the similar project called spotify-cli-linux, which does similar things but it is written in Python.
You will need dotnet core 3.1 SDK to build and run the project. You can download it from here: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/3.1. Then just use standard dotnet commands to build, test and run.
dotnet publish -c Release -r linux-x64
USAGE: dotnet [--help] [--play] [--pause] [--prev] [--next] [--status] [--lyrics]
--play Spotify play
--pause Spotify pause
--prev Previous song
--next Next song
--status Shows song name and artist
--lyrics Prints the song lyrics
--help display this list of options.
dotnet Spotify.Console.dll --help
dotnet Spotify.Console.dll --lyrics
You can easily set command alias in Unix, for example:
alias spot='dotnet ~/projects/spotify-linux-published/Spotify.Console.dll'
From now on you can just type spot --help
Note that this is temporal alias (will be lost on reboot). To create permament alias follow simple 5-steps tutorial: