Small save-game manager written for usage with Noita works in Linux or Windows.
- Check to see if Noita is running (currently commented out, to work with noita together)
- Backup active save
- Restore from backup
- Non destructive
Currently you cannot use this tool to delete / remove saves or backups. It will always create a backup in the Noita folder prior to restoring. So it won't overwrite / delete anything.
pip install noita-save-manager
pipenv install noita-save-manager
poetry add noita-save-manager
You can grab the latest release
If you want to build your own binary/ source distribution / wheel, you can use the following steps. Uses poetry for dependency management.
poetry install
poetry run pyinstaller -F --noconsole src/noita_save_manager/
This will plop out a binary for you in the dist/