Geom2D is a computational geometry library for Go, designed for 2D polygon operations and other fundamental geometric types, and is currently reaching its release candidate phase, nearing production readiness.
Geom2D aims to provide a robust, flexible, and efficient implementation of 2D geometric operations, featuring:
- Geometry Types:
- Point: Basic 2D point representation.
- LineSegment: Represents a line segment and supports operations such as intersection and reflection.
- Circle: Support for operations like circumference, area, and intersection checks.
- Rectangle: Axis-aligned bounding box with methods for containment, intersection, and transformation.
- Polygon (PolyTree): Supports polygons with holes and nested structures, with methods for orientation, correction, and Boolean operations.
- Polygon Boolean Operations: Union, intersection, and subtraction.
- Geometry to Geometry Relationships: Fast and reliable algorithms for determining geometric relationships.
- Generics: The library leverages Go's generics to allow users to work with both integers (
) and floating-point (float64
) types, offering precision and flexibility depending on the application's requirements.
To install Geom2D, use go get:
go get
For detailed examples, please see the repository's wiki, where almost every public function has an example.
package main
import (
func areaOfCircle() {
// Create a new point
p := geom2d.NewPoint(3, 4)
// Create a new circle with center p and radius 5
c := geom2d.NewCircle(p, 5)
// Calculate the area of the circle
area := c.Area()
// Print area
fmt.Printf("Circle Area: %.2f\n", area)
// Output:
// Circle Area: 78.54
func polyIntersection() {
// Define root contour.
rootContour := []geom2d.Point[int]{
geom2d.NewPoint(0, 0),
geom2d.NewPoint(20, 0),
geom2d.NewPoint(20, 20),
geom2d.NewPoint(0, 20),
// Define hole contour within root contour.
holeContour := []geom2d.Point[int]{
geom2d.NewPoint(5, 5),
geom2d.NewPoint(15, 5),
geom2d.NewPoint(15, 15),
geom2d.NewPoint(5, 15),
// Create hole polytree.
pt1Hole, err := geom2d.NewPolyTree(holeContour, geom2d.PTHole)
if err != nil {
// log.Fatal is used in the examples for simplicity and should be replaced with proper error handling in production applications.
// Create root polytree with hole as child.
pt1, err := geom2d.NewPolyTree(rootContour, geom2d.PTSolid, geom2d.WithChildren(pt1Hole))
if err != nil {
// Create a new polytree from pt1, translated by (7, 7), so there is overlap of the solid and hole regions.
pt2 := pt1.Translate(geom2d.NewPoint(7, 7))
// Perform Intersection operation, returning a PolyTree that contains only the overlapping areas
pt3, err := pt1.BooleanOperation(pt2, geom2d.BooleanIntersection)
if err != nil {
// print pt3
// Output is overlapping areas, given as two solid, sibling polygons:
// PolyTree: PTSolid
// Contour Points: [(15, 7), (20, 7), (20, 12), (15, 12)]
// PolyTree: PTSolid
// Contour Points: [(7, 15), (12, 15), (12, 20), (7, 20)]
func main() {
Comprehensive documentation, including detailed examples, API references, and advanced usage, is available in the repository's wiki.
This section describes the geometric relationships between different types of geometric objects supported by the library. Relationships can include concepts like disjoint, intersection, containment, and equality. The relationships are determined using efficient algorithms for each pair of types.
This table describes the relationship of the left-side type (column) to the top-side type (row).
Each cell indicates the valid relationship types.
Left ↓, Right → | Point | Line Segment | Circle | Rectangle | Polygon within PolyTree |
Point | RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipEqual |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContainedBy |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContainedBy |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContainedBy |
Line Segment | RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipEqual |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContainedBy |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContainedBy |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContainedBy |
Circle | RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContains |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContains |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContainedBy RelationshipContains RelationshipEqual |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContainedBy RelationshipContains |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContainedBy RelationshipContains |
Rectangle | RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContains |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContains |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContainedBy RelationshipContains |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContainedBy RelationshipContains RelationshipEqual |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContainedBy RelationshipContains |
Polygon within PolyTree | RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContains |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContains |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContainedBy RelationshipContains |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContainedBy RelationshipContains |
RelationshipDisjoint RelationshipIntersection RelationshipContainedBy RelationshipContains RelationshipEqual |
: The two geometric objects do not overlap.RelationshipIntersection
: The two geometric objects overlap partially or at boundaries.RelationshipContains
: The left-side geometric object fully contains the right-side object.RelationshipContainedBy
: The left-side geometric object is fully contained by the right-side object.RelationshipEqual
: The two geometric objects are identical.
Geom2D builds upon the work of others and is grateful for the foundations they have laid. Specifically:
Martínez et al.: Their paper on Boolean operations on polygons has been instrumental in the implementation of Martínez's algorithm in this library. See A simple algorithm for Boolean operations on polygons.
Tom Wright: The inspiration for starting this library came from Tom Wright’s repository Provably Correct Polygon Algorithms and his accompanying paper. While Geom2D follows its own approach, certain ideas have been influenced by his work.
Jack Bresenham: The Bresenham's Line Algorithm and Bresenham's Circle Algorithm implemented in this library are inspired by Jack Bresenham's pioneering work. These algorithms are efficient methods for rasterizing lines and circles in computer graphics. For more details, see Bresenham's original paper "Algorithm for computer control of a digital plotter." IBM Systems Journal, 1965.
This project is a collaborative effort, with significant assistance from OpenAI's Assistant for brainstorming, debugging, and refining implementations.
To learn more about the work that inspired this library, visit the linked papers and repositories.
- Support for additional geometric types (e.g., ellipses, splines).
- Enhanced visualisation tools using libraries like Ebitengine.
- Performance optimizations for large datasets.
- Pathfinding within geometric types: Efficient algorithms for finding shortest paths constrained by geometric boundaries.
Contributions are welcome! Please see for details.
See the LICENSE file for details.