Implementation of a ray tracer following the ray tracing in a X books.
- The optimisation in 3.10 in "Ray tracing the next week"
- Lesson 5 of "Ray tracing the next week"
- All of "Ray tracing the rest of your life"
Other ideas I had:
- Improve my logging system to make it easier to debug issues
- Experiment with different diffuse implementations, for example one based on the lambertian material that occasionally absorbs instead of always reflecting.
- Use gif-h or msf_gif to generate gifs rather than just static images.
- Feels like there is some unexpected grainy-ness in the middle?
- Implement a tostring (overload of <<) for every class
- Update to v4 of the book, some changes I seem to notice are:
- Image origin is top left instead of bottom right.
- The pixel grid is inset in the viewport.
- A pixel is a disk instead of a square? see
in the github source. - Potentially different depth of field implementation?