Attempt at recreating in Zig.
fn func1(x: *const i32) struct { i32 } { return x.* + 1; }
fn func2(x: *const i32) struct { i32 } { return x.* - 2; }
fn func2(x: *const i32) struct { i32 } { return x.* + 3; }
const FlowTask = Task.createTaskType(
&.{ i32 },
&.{ i32 },
var flow = Flow.init(&allocator);
var a = try flow.newTask(FlowTask, .{ 1 }, &func1);
var b = try flow.newTask(FlowTask, .{ undefined }, &func2);
var c = try flow.newTask(FlowTask, .{ undefined }, &func3);
try flow.connect(a, 0, b, 0);
try flow.connect(b, 0, c, 0);
try flow.execute();
const result = c.getOutputPtr(0).*;
For a more complete example, see main.zig.
git clone
All commands should be run from the zig_taskflow
To build:
zig build
To run tests:
zig build -Doptimize=Debug test --summary all
zig build -Doptimize=ReleaseFast test --summary all
To format the source code:
zig fmt .
Developed using Ubuntu 20.04 and Zig 0.11.0.