on every transaction in a conn
Using deps.edn
net.molequedeideias/conncat {:git/url ""
:sha "95050f2d1d6ac47a371f31efa5c4e3838c1b4385"}
(require '[datomic.api :as d]
'[net.molequedeideias.conncat :as conncat]
;; extend conncat for datomic.api
(def db-uri (doto "datomic:mem://conncat"
(def conn (d/connect db-uri))
(def conn-with-audit
(conncat/with-tx conn [[:db/add "datomic.tx" :db/doc "i have audit"]]))
;; now you can transact data on `conn-with-audit`
(d/transact conn-with-audit [{:db/doc "one"}])
(d/transact conn-with-audit [{:db/doc "two"}])
;; now you can see that every transaction done on `conn-with-audit
;; has a `:db/doc "i have audit"` with it!
(d/q '[:find ?e ?ident ?v ?tx ?op
:in $
[?a :db/ident ?ident]
[?e ?a ?v ?tx ?op]
[?tx :db/doc]]
(d/db conn))
#{[134 :db/doc "i have audit" 134 true]
[132 :db/txInstant #inst"2020-07-07T18:52:27.5" 132 true]
[132 :db/doc "i have audit" 132 true]
[134 :db/txInstant #inst"2020-07-07T18:52:27.6" 134 true]
[179 :db/doc "two" 134 true]
[177 :db/doc "one" 132 true]}
- Append audit data to your transactions
- Save the token from user that requested a transaction
- Save all headers from HTTP Request with that transaction
- Append a unique value attribute, to ensure that your component will make only one transaction
- Identify with module from your systme done a transaction
- Append the
of current code in your transaction, then you will have a lot more information about "how it's done"