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Universal iOS4.2+ App template supporting iAds and AutoRotation

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\f0\fs24 \cf0 Hello!\
I'm going to be making a string of apps that run a full-screen GL drawing surface,  so in order to minimise the amount of code duplication I'm going to abstract as much as possible into a template.   I don't want to repeatedly waste time recoding the same functionality.\
The idea is that instead of building your view controller out of UIViewController,  you build it out of my iAdVC,  which will transparently handle iAds together with rotations\
 I am going to extend this template \
* to expose a GL surface\
* to incorporate AppiRater ( I have to capitalise that  as the name is so stupid,  it basically checks whether someone is making good use of your app,  and asks them to rate it,  taking them to the store so they can put in a rating and possibly a review\
* to link to my/your other apps,  and flash update news bulletins\
This was a lot of work, mainly because there is an Apple bug in UIKit;  for absolutely no good reason you need to set backgroundColor  on the view controller's main view,  which is normally done internally inside the XIB.    so removing the XIB suddenly renders the view incapable of receiving touch events.   Still no one has been able to offer an explanation for this. Bug has been filed with Apple.   So anyway, I lost a week (and one of my 2 ITS incidents) banging my head on that one.\
I am putting this out as aware-ware... \
I don't actually have any money at the moment. Any money at all. My credit card is at maximum and I'm not in a country that has any sort of benefit system. Plus RSI is hitting me so badly that half of the time I cannot work. It is really really frustrating to have to sit doing nothing all day. I guess at least it is an opportunity to read some of my technical books.\
So, if this code helps you, help me back.  What is it worth to you?  How much would you happily pay to buy it?  if you give me half that amount, that should leave us both with a nice tingle.  A few credits from a random stranger now and again would really give me a boost!   (PayPal is [email protected])\


Universal iOS4.2+ App template supporting iAds and AutoRotation






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