Under MSA rules, the bogie time for a stage is the time taken to traverse that stage at an maximum average speed. Note this is an average speed, not a maximum speed.
Stages usually have a target time, which is the slowest time a competitor can clear a stage without being penalised.
Using this web page, you can enter the distance, and the times taken to clear that stage at a variety of speeds will be calculated for you (it is all client-side javascript, with no external libraries.)
The target time of a stage can be calculated two ways:
- it can be a lower average speed
- it can be some multiple of the Bogie time.
This system allows you to edit the latter, and the former should be just another row.
- go to http://lucas.ucs.ed.ac.uk/speed_calc.html
- copy the html file to your own web server
- save the file & open it in a web-browser (yes - it can be used when off-line)