A mini web framework focusing on conciseness and speed.
I hate controllers. Move directly maps your URLs and HTTP methods to your models and CRUD operations on them, plus a tiny but of fudging.
The idea is this: When you "View" data on a webpage, it's actually a composite view of different, yet related, data.1 You can think of this composite page as a directed acyclic graph of the different HTML representations as applied to those data objects, artfully arranged in a textfile.
For example: you're looking at a receipt. This is made up of Account, User, and maybe some Permission data objects (header/layout) and a Receipt object. A REST URL might look like:
However, the scope of that Receipt object is implied by your current session, so we should really have the concept of an "Application" which has state, so you're really routing:
Which also shows you more of what's actually inside your request. This is how Move is laid out and how requests are routed.
1: This is similar to the "component" architecture in Seaside.
What if you could update your views? I mean, take some random page and post data to it? What does that even mean?
I'll tell you.
As long as you get the structure right, updating a view makes total sense. You're viewing some objects in a particular state, you should be able to move them to a particular state, and have that reflected in the next time you view that data.
This is the most exiting part for me, which is that views become just a translation layer between you and data, which they should've been in the first place.
Let's say we're trying to route
Routing starts with the application, which sits around waiting for a request. We tell it, "Yo, we gots a request coming in, and the first part is 'projects'". It says, "Nice one, let me spin up a collection view for you with all the projects".
Application()[projects] => CollectionView(Project.all)
Next we ask the CollectionView, "do you have any in your collection with the id of '5'?"
CollectionView(Project.all)[5] => ElementView(Project.find(5))
Then we're all like, "ElementView, you got a project manager?"
ElementView(Project.find(5))[project_manager] => ElementView(Project.find(5).project_manager)
Then we stop routing, as there are no more parts to the URL. We tell the Project Manager's element view to render out (and it'll use our text/html Accept header), and we have a response to give back.
- Caching: Since we have a looking-glass into what data goes into what views, we can track it using a graph database, and when the data changes, we can invalidate the right views and partial views (or as James Daniels suggested, send along a diff of the content in JSON and apply it to the site while we do a write-through).
- MapReduce: Make a first pass through the graph and find anything that doesn't rely on order of execution, then render in parallel. As content comes in, stream to the client.
- Search is just a collection with some query parameters.
- An "edit" page is a singleton composite resource, but just PUTs to the resource.
- Follows a "tell, don't ask", or staged architecture, making permission much more manageable? Maybe?
- For JSON and XML representations, following URLs through associations is trivial.
Fork, commit, push, and send a pull request.
- James Daniels for talking through architecture
- Jonathan Edwards, who, I think, brought up just having Views and Models together.
- Rack, which this architecture builds on heavily.
No! But it will soon. :D