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Let's implement an Enigma machine as a char device just for fun.


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It is a way to put an Enigma Machine under your /dev sub-directory. Yes, it is about a char device which emulates an Enigma. The device was written to run on more than one platform. Well, I think that the Figure 1 clarifies any question about supported platforms.

Figure 1: A lousy but effective joke.


Originally I have written it to run on 2.6.x or higher Linux kernel versions. Maybe with a little change on the dev_ioctl() prototype you can be able to build it on 2.4.x kernels but I am not so sure about.

Now with FreeBSD I have not tested it on older versions than 11.0. However, I guess that it should work fine. The KLD infrastructure is pretty stable.

Warning: Do not use it to protect any sensible data. The Enigma was cracked during WWII. So, it is just for fun.

If you do not know anything about the Enigma Machine maybe you should start here.

How to clone it

The easiest way is:

tux@sché:~/Bletchley# git clone dev-enigma --recursive

How to build it

You need Hefesto in order to abstract a bunch of complications that you can get during this process.

Once Hefesto well-installed and working, you need to "teach" Hefesto how to build a LKM. In order to do it you need to install a "knowledge base" related with this task on the following way:

tux@sché:~/Bletchley# git clone helios
tux@sché:~/Bletchley# cd helios
tux@sché:~/Bletchley/helios# hefesto --install=<module-toolset-name>

If you are on Linux the <module-toolset-name> should be lnx-module-toolset. If you are on FreeBSD the <module-toolset-name> should be freebsd-module-toolset.

Of course that you need to have the kernel sources into your environment.

After executing the incantations above your Hefesto copy will know how to build a LKM for your current platform. By the way, you can remove your Helios local directory, if you want to.

Now, to build this device you should jump to its src sub-directory and:

beastie@sché:~/Bletchley/dev-enigma/src# hefesto

I think that use Humans as space monkeys to test any kind of code is bad, harmful and shameful. Due to it, some tests are executed over the generated module at some point during the build process, then I find that you should consider the Figure 2.

Figure 2: "Vandalism: as beautiful as stone in a Mainframe's face"...


For the sake of your uptime... No!

Yes, your "build user" must be allowed to load/unload LKMs. Before building this module watch for your permissions!

After the build process you will get the module enigma.ko. Now you should load it into your kernel in order to get some fun. When inserted, this module automatically creates a char device named as /dev/enigma onto your box:

  • Linux users: insmod/rmmod does the basic job.

  • FreeBSD users: kldload/kldunload does the basic job.

How to install it

In order to install it you need to be under the src sub-directory and so:

tux@sché:~/Bletchley/dev-enigma/src# hefesto --install

All done! Now your UNIX box has a cool and weird char device! :)

Being on Linux some default accessing rules will be defined by the etc/99-enigma.rules file. If for some reason you do not agree with the permissions defined there, please, edit and tune it according your preferences before going ahead with the installing process.

For uninstalling issues, you should invoke:

beastie@sché:~/Bletchley/dev-enigma/src# hefesto --uninstall

How to use /dev/enigma

The usage of this device is pretty straightforward. You should:

  1. Open.
  2. Set the Enigma configurations through an i/o control.
  3. Write.
  4. Read.
  5. Close (just because you are polite).

Follows all it in plain C:

#include <enigmactl.h>
#include <eel.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int fd;
    libeel_enigma_ctx enigma_conf;
    char buf[255];
    size_t buf_size;
    int exit_code = 0;

    fd = open("/dev/enigma", O_RDWR);

    if (fd < 0) {
        printf("ERROR: during open() call.\n");
        exit_code = 1;
        goto ___go_home;

    /*Now let's to configure our enigma device*/

    memset(&enigma_conf, 0, sizeof(enigma_conf));

    enigma_conf.left_rotor = i;
    enigma_conf.middle_rotor = ii;
    enigma_conf.right_rotor = iv;

    libeel_rotor_at(&enigma_conf, l) = 'B';
    libeel_rotor_at(&enigma_conf, m) = 'L';
    libeel_rotor_at(&enigma_conf, r) = 'K';

    enigma_conf.reflector = c;

    libeel_ring(&enigma_conf, l) = 1;
    libeel_ring(&enigma_conf, m) = 1;
    libeel_ring(&enigma_conf, r) = 1;

    libeel_plugboard(&enigma_conf, 1).l = 'H';
    libeel_plugboard(&enigma_conf, 1).r = 'C';

    libeel_plugboard(&enigma_conf, 2).l = 'V';
    libeel_plugboard(&enigma_conf, 2).r = 'Q';

    if (ioctl(fd, ENIGMA_SET, &enigma_conf) != 0) {
        printf("ERROR: during ioctl() call.\n");
        exit_code = 1;
        goto ___go_home;

    memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));

    sprintf(buf, "In the first few seconds an aching sadness wrenched "
                 "his heart, but it soon gave way to a feeling of sweet "
                 "disquiet, the excitement of gypsy wanderlust");
    buf_size = strlen(buf);

    printf("PLAINTEXT: %s\n\n", buf);

    if (write(fd, buf, buf_size) != buf_size) {
        printf("ERROR: during write() call.\n");
        exit_code = 1;
        goto ___go_home;

    if (read(fd, buf, buf_size) != buf_size) {
        printf("ERROR: during read() call.\n");
        exit_code = 1;
        goto ___go_home;

    printf("CRYPTOGRAM: %s\n\n", buf);

    if (ioctl(fd, ENIGMA_RESET) != 0) {
        printf("ERROR: during ioctl() call.\n");
        exit_code = 1;
        goto ___go_home;

    if (write(fd, buf, buf_size) != buf_size) {
        printf("ERROR: during write() call.\n");
        exit_code = 1;
        goto ___go_home;

    if (read(fd, buf, buf_size) != buf_size) {
        printf("ERROR: during read() call.\n");
        exit_code = 1;
        goto ___go_home;

    printf("PLAINTEXT: %s\n\nThat's all folks!!\n", buf);

    if (fd > 0) {

    return exit_code;

This device driver uses another library of mine related with the Enigma. Here, basically you will use its conveniences in order to setup your "k-enigma" ;)

You should learn how to configure the machine elements using eel by reading its README. I will abstract these details here. However, it is pretty simple.

So, you need two "alien" includes to compile this sample:

  • eel.h
  • enigmactl.h

The Libeel follows embedded into /dev/enigma source code and all stuff of it is located under src/eel.

The enigmactl.h gathers the i/o control commands definitions and it is located under src/enigmactl.

Now, supposing that you have cloned the /dev/enigma to ~/src/dev-enigma and saved the sample shown above into ~/src/enigma.c. To compile it you should proceed as follows:

tux@sché:~/src# gcc enigma.c -oenigma -Idev-enigma/src/enigmactl -Idev-enigma/src/eel

If you have installed this device driver using its build scripts you can indicate only one include directory which would be /usr/local/share/dev-enigma/include.

When running this sample you should get something like:

beastie@sché:~/src# kldload dev-enigma/src/enigma.ko
beastie@sché:~/src# ./enigma
PLAINTEXT: In the first few seconds an aching sadness wrenched his heart, but it soon gave way to a feeling
of sweet disquiet, the excitement of gypsy wanderlust

CRYPTOGRAM: Ye bfj uzjro eby ccinjuw ru lvvqbm ncnzurd ugbqkxgb cfp pmncr, awd oy dfbm klpm qnj ze p lbbmuod
je epubl skccvcpp, laa nvxmbndyql yd lznyn gjgqdmuptz

PLAINTEXT: In the first few seconds an aching sadness wrenched his heart, but it soon gave way to a feeling
of sweet disquiet, the excitement of gypsy wanderlust

That's all folks!!
beastie@sché:~/src# _

The presented sample introduces an i/o control that is useful in cases in that you want to return your Enigma to its initial state. There we have used it in order to decrypt the previous encrypted buffer. So, as you know the Enigma is about a reciprocal cipher. Like albam, atbash or even our ultra modern over used xor.

Then, when you need to set up your Enigma you should use:

libeel_enigma_ctx enigma_conf;
ioctl(dev, ENIGMA_SET, &enigma_conf);

Once the settings accepted, anytime you can revert the device to its initial state, just by:

ioctl(dev, ENIGMA_RESET);

You can also set up a default setting for any file descriptor opened:

libeel_enigma_ctx enigma_default_conf;
ioctl(dev, ENIGMA_SET_DEFAULT_SETTING, &enigma_default_conf);

If you want to unset the default setting you should:


Of course that this sample is pretty dull because it is kind of static. You should implement an application which receives the Enigma machine settings by command line and also the data buffer. Well, the device is done now this kind of code is up to you.

What are usage lines?

Usage lines is the way of dividing the Enigma device present in your system among several users. Several but not inifite, in fact, I have fixed the number of usage lines to 10. By default, it is possible to have ten users simultaneously hung in this device. On normal conditions is expected that none of them step on the foot of each other.

For this reason it makes the usage of this device a little bit tough. Thus if you try something like:

tux@sché:~/src# echo "foobar" > /dev/enigma
tux@sché:~/src# cat /dev/enigma

Nothing will occur due to two reasons:

  1. You can not configure the Enigma setting with native shell commands, so the echo command will open and immediately try to use a non configurated machine.
  2. Even if the write operation succeeds, the echo command will close its file descriptor. When closing it all buffers related with this usage line will be freed.

There is a way to beat these complications. Just follow reading...

The enigmactl application

This application is installed together with the device driver. Basically it is a nice application used to define a default configuration for any usage line acquired.

The basic usage for it is as follows:

beastie@sché:~/src# enigmactl --set --l-rotor=i --m-rotor=ii --r-rotor=v \
> --l-rotor-at=Y --m-rotor-at=Y --r-rotor-at=Z \
> --reflector=b \
> --l-ring=2 --m-ring=3 --r-ring=9 \
> --plugboard=R/U,S/H

The option:

  • --l-rotor defines the rotor used on the left (from i to viii).
  • --m-rotor defines the rotor used at the middle (from i to viii).
  • --r-rotor defines the rotor used on the right (from i to viii).
  • --l-rotor-at defines the initial left rotor position (from A to Z).
  • --m-rotor-at defines the initial middle rotor position (from A to Z).
  • --r-rotor-at defines the initial right rotor position (from A to Z).
  • --reflector defines the chosen reflector (can be B or C).
  • --l-ring defines the chosen left ring position (from 1 to 26). It is optional, the default is 1.
  • --m-ring defines the chosen middle ring position (from 1 to 26). It is optional, the default is 1.
  • --r-ring defines the chosen right ring position (from 1 to 26). It is optional, the default is 1.
  • --plugboard defines the swaps on the machine plugboard. (in the form of s1/s1',...,s10/s10'). It is optional, the default is no swaps.

In order to clear a previous defined default setting you should use the --unset command as follows:

tux@sché:~/src# enigmactl --unset

You can also use the shell script This script allows you to set up the default configuration on a more cooked way:


This shell script is installed with the device driver and it is based on bash. This remark can be useless for Linuxers anyway it can be valuable for FreeBSD users. You do not need to worry about changing the shell or indicating the bash's home. The sheebang is configurated when installing the device into your environment. The only thing that you need to do is to install the bash if you do not have it or to do little changes into to be executed natively by yours shell of choice.

Using the device directly from shell

As said in a previous section to use /dev/enigma directly from shell is not so trivial. I will show you a simple shell script which uses the for setting issues and so uses the device driver to perform some encryption/decryption.

Firstly, here goes the code and after I will comment what I judge relevant:


# File name: ''

if [ -f /usr/local/bin/ ] ; then
    dialog --yesno "Do you want setup /dev/enigma?" 0 0

    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
            exit $?

exec 3<>/dev/enigma

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "error: when trying to open /dev/enigma."
    exit $0


if [ -z $text ]; then
    text="$(dialog --stdout --inputbox "Type the text to be written to /dev/enigma" 0 0)"

if [ -z $text ]; then
    echo ""
    echo "INFO: aborted by the user."
    exit 1

echo $text >&3

echo ""
cat <&3

exec 3>&-

Well, the script uses file descriptors techniques because the usage line must be hold by the user until the read operation happen, otherwise the written data will be lost. The script expects to receive a text to be processed as an argument, if it is not supplied, a dialog asking for this data will be shown. Thus, to use it you should proceed as follows:

tux@sché:~/src# ./ "once you are lost in twillight's blue \
> you do not find the way, the way finds you."
vcsi qpe qki yuqz ba uzwbpxuin'i ysom odv nj bzf toor zgi ffx, jra unh acjpn ptq.
tux@shcé:~/src# _

Best practices

This is just a toy device, so I have used a bunch of things that is not so well recommended for being used in real-world devices. Let's take for example the Linux implementation... The usage of kmalloc. Among other issues, it imposes a limit of 128kb (more or less) to the passed data buffers. Do not try to pass huge buffers to your Enigma device. Still, do not write for a long time without performing any read. These things will not put fire on your kernel but will cause malfunction in your char device.

That's it! Have fun!


Let's implement an Enigma machine as a char device just for fun.








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