As the younger, distant cousin to Haml, Hamelito looks up to his handsome relative, but has different goals in life.
hamelito is a Clojure library providing the ability to read a subset of Haml and generate hiccup, enlive or html data. Parsing is done using the quite awesome parser combinator library kern by Armando Blancas.
The initial goal for the library is to allow Haml documents to be used as templates for enlive and the plan is to support only the features of Haml that make sense for the purpose of generating documents with static content.
hamelito artifacts are published to Clojars.
With Leiningen:
[com.github.ragnard/hamelito "0.2.1"]
Can parse a decent subset of Haml and generate corresponding hiccup and enlive data.
Things that should work:
- Basic element content:
and valid combinations thereof
- Inline content:
%h1 Hello
- Text content
- Arbitrarily, valid, nested tags/content
- Attributes
- Ruby style:
%a{:href => ''}
- Single and double quoted values
- HTML style:
- Unquoted, single and double quoted values
- Ruby style:
- Comments
- Html:
/ A haml comment
- Conditional:
/[if IE lte 10] No.
- Html:
- Filters
- Doctypes
- All html5 and xhtml doctypes are supported
- XML prolog supported
!!! XML iso-8859-1
Things todo/investigate:
- Be more strict with valid identifiers when parsing
- Escaping
- Comments
- Silent
- Whitespace handling/preservation
- More filters?
- Maybe these make sense:
- Maybe these make sense:
hamelito can transform Haml documents into two formats:
- enlive data
- hiccup data
Since version 1.1.1
, enlive supports pluggable parsers and hamelito
provides the function com.github.ragnard.hamelito.enlive/parser
implements the required interface.
(require '[net.cgrand.enlive-html :as enlive])
(require '[com.github.ragnard.hamelito.enlive :as haml])
(in-ns 'test)
;; To use Haml for all templates in the current namespace:
(enlive/set-ns-parser! haml/parser)
(enlive/deftemplate haml-template "template.haml"
;; To use Haml for a specific template/snippet:
(enlive/deftemplate haml-template {:parser haml/parser} "template.haml"
You can also ask for the raw enlive nodes:
(require '[com.github.ragnard.hamelito.enlive :as haml])
(haml/node-seq "%h1 Blahonga!")
;; => ({:content ["Blahonga!"], :attrs {}, :tag :h1})
For versions of enlive prior to 1.1.1, a resource
function is provided to simplify using Haml templates on the
classpath with enlive:
(require '[net.cgrand.enlive-html :as enlive])
(require '[com.github.ragnard.hamelito.enlive :as [haml]])
(enlive/defsnippet snippet1 (haml/resource "page1.haml")
[:body :h1] (enlive/content "Hola!"))
(enlive/deftemplate page1 (haml/resource "page1.haml")
[:head :title] (enlive/content "Welcome!"))
(require '[com.github.ragnard.hamelito.hiccup :as haml])
;; The hiccup function takes a Haml source and returns some
;; hiccup data:
(haml/hiccup "%h1 Hola")
;; => ([:h1 "Hola"])
;; The html function takes a Haml source and returns an Html
;; string, as generated by hiccup:
(haml/html "%h1 Hola!")
;; => "<h1>Hola!</h1>"
Copyright © 2013 Ragnar Dahlen
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.