Just a note for the handful of people who used this: you don't need it after 2023-03-06, when this PR was merged into neovim nightly. See:
:h lsp-semantic-highlight
:h LspTokenUpdate
Control how neovim uses LSP semantic tokens to apply highlights. Requires neovim nightly.
This is experimental, unstable, etc.
Set up the plugin as usual:
Then add a custom highlighter for a filetype:
require('semanticist').highlighters[ft] = function(bufnr, ns, token)
-- Add extmarks here
Or change the default:
require('semanticist').default_highlighter = function(bufnr, ns, token)
-- Add extmarks here
Here are the types of semantic tokens sent by clangd:
variable parameter function method
function property class interface
enum enumMember type unknown
namespace typeParameter concept type
macro modifier operator comment
The modifiers clangd uses are:
functionScope classScope fileScope globalScope
declaration definition deprecated readonly
static deduced abstract virtual
dependentName usedAsMutableReference
userDefined usedAsMutablePointer
defaultLibrary constructorOrDestructor
Some of the modifiers are mutually exclusive, like functionScope
. Others can be combined, like static
and readonly
For this example, I want to differentiate scopes, then apply an additional highlight for deprecated tokens.
semanticist.highlighters["cpp"] = function(bufnr, ns, token)
local mark = function(hl_group, delta)
delta = delta or 0
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(bufnr, ns, token.line, token.start_col, {
hl_group = hl_group,
end_col = token.end_col,
priority = vim.highlight.priorities.semantic_tokens + delta,
strict = false,
local mods = token.modifiers
local scope = mods.functionScope and ".functionScope"
or mods.globalScope and ".globalScope"
or mods.classScope and ".classScope"
or mods.fileScope and ".fileScope"
or ""
mark(string.format("@%s.cpp%s", token.type, scope))
if mods.deprecated then mark("LspDeprecated", 1) end
Then add highlight groups as desired:
hi @variable.cpp.functionScope ...
hi @variable.cpp.localScope ...
hi LspDeprecated gui=strikethrough