tspace-swagger-ui-express is an auto-generated Swagger-UI API documentation tool for Express applications.
Install with npm:
npm install tspace-swagger-ui-express --save
import express , { Request , Response , NextFunction } from 'express';
import swagger from 'tspace-swagger-ui-express';
(async() => {
const app = express()
app.get("/", (req : Request, res : Response , next : NextFunction) => {
return res.send("Hello, world!");
app.get("/:uuid", (req : Request, res : Response , next : NextFunction) => {
return res.send(`Hello, world! with uuid : ${req.params.uuid}`);
const PORT = 3000;
app.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(`Server is running on http://localhost:${PORT}/api/docs`);
import express , { Request , Response , NextFunction } from 'express';
import swagger from 'tspace-swagger-ui-express';
import catRoute from './catRoute';
import CatController from './CatController';
(async() => {
const app = express()
app.get("/", (req : Request, res : Response , next : NextFunction) => {
return res.send("Hello, world!");
app.use(swagger(app , {
// customOnly : true, use only custom by @Swagger only
path : "/api/docs",
servers : [
{ url : "http://localhost:3000" , description : "development"},
{ url : "http://localhost:8000" , description : "production"}
info : {
"title" : "Welcome to the documentation of the 'cats' story",
"description" : "This is the documentation description about around the 'cats' story"
excepts : [
// if you want to excepts some path following the example
// {
// path : /^\/api\/v\d+\//,
// method : ['GET','POST'],
// }
// /^\/api\/v\d+\/cats/,
// /\/cats/
// "/api/v1/cats"
// "/api/v1/cats/:uuid"
controllers : [CatController] // For custom requests related to controllers with decorators such as @Swagger.
// controllers : {
// folder : `${__dirname}/controllers`,
// name : /controller\.(ts|js)$/i
// } // if you want to use the directory for include all controllers
responses : [
status: 200,
description: "OK",
example: {
success: true,
message: "Cats say 'OK, slave'π»"
status: 201,
description: "Created",
example: {
success: true,
message: "Cats say 'Welcome, new slave'π»"
status: 400,
description: "Bad Request",
example: {
success: false,
message: "Cats say 'Bad foods'π»"
status: 401,
description: "Unauthorized",
example: {
success: false,
message: "Cats say 'Give me the food first'π»"
status: 403,
description: "Forbidden",
example: {
success: false,
message: "Cats say 'Not your business, slave'π»"
status: 500,
description: "Server Error",
example: {
success: false,
message: "Cats can't say 'What's the curse'π»"
const PORT = 3000;
app.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(`Server is running on http://localhost:${PORT}/api/docs`);
import { Request , Response , NextFunction } from 'express';
import { Swagger } from 'tspace-swagger-ui-express';
class CatController {
match : {
path : "/v1/cats",
method : 'GET',
query : {
id: {
type : 'string',
required: true,
description : "The 'id' of the cat"
name: {
type : 'string',
cookies : {
names : ['id', 'name'],
description : 'The cookies for every logged'
bearerToken : true,
responses : [
{ status : 200 , description : "OK" , example : { id : 1 , name : 'catz' }},
{ status : 400 , description : "Bad request" , example : { message : "Bad Bad Bad food" }}
public index (req : Request , res : Response , next : NextFunction) {
return res.json({ message : 'hello world' });
match : {
path : "/v1/cats",
method : 'POST',
bearerToken : true,
body : {
description : 'The description !',
required : true,
properties : {
id : {
type : 'number',
example : 1
name : {
type : 'string',
example : "xxxxx"
public store (req : Request , res : Response , next : NextFunction) {
return res.json({ message : req.params });
match : {
path : "/v1/cats/:uuid",
method : 'GET'
params : {
uuid: {
description : "The 'uuid' of the cat",
example : "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
query : {
id: {
type : 'string',
required: true,
description : "The 'id' of the cat",
example : '1'
name: {
type : 'string',
responses : [
{ status : 200 , description : "OK" , example : { id : 'catz' }},
{ status : 400 , description : "Bad request" , example : { id : 'catz' }}
public show (req : Request , res : Response , next : NextFunction) {
return res.json({ params : req.params , query : req.query });
match : {
path : "/v1/cats/:uuid",
method : ['PUT' , 'PATCH']
bearerToken : true,
body : {
description : 'The description !',
required : true,
properties : {
id : {
type : 'number',
example : 1
name : {
type : 'string',
example : "xxxxx"
public async update (req : Request , res : Response , next : NextFunction) {
return res.json({ body : req.body})
match : {
path : "/v1/cats/:uuid",
method : 'DELETE'
bearerToken : true
public async delete(req : Request , res : Response , next : NextFunction) {
return res.json({ params : req.params})
match : {
path : "/v1/cats/upload",
method : "POST"
bearerToken : true,
files : {
required : true,
properties : {
file : {
type : 'array',
items: {
name : {
type : 'string'
public async upload (req : Request , res : Response , next : NextFunction) {
return res.json({ files : req.files })
export {CatController }
export default CatController
import { Router } from "express"
import { CatController } from "./CatController"
const catRouter = Router()
const catInstance = new CatController()
.get('/' , catInstance.index)
.post('/' , catInstance.store)
.post('/upload' , catInstance.upload)
.get('/:uuid' , catInstance.show)
.put('/:uuid' , catInstance.update)
.patch('/:uuid' , catInstance.updated)
.delete('/:uuid' , catInstance.delete)
export { catRouter }
export default catRouter
import express , { Request , Response , NextFunction } from 'express'
import { swaggerYAML , swaggerJSON } from 'tspace-swagger-ui-express'
import fs from 'fs'
(async() => {
const doc = {
path : "/api/docs",
servers : [
{ url : "http://localhost:3000" , description : "development"},
{ url : "http://localhost:8000" , description : "production"}
info : {
"title" : "Welcome to the documentation of the 'cats' story",
"description" : "This is the documentation description about around the 'cats' story"
const app = express()
app.get("/", (req : Request, res : Response , next : NextFunction) => {
return res.send("Hello, world!");
const yaml = swaggerYAML(app,doc)
const json = swaggerJSON(app,doc)
fs.writeFileSync('swagger.yaml', yaml, 'utf8')
fs.writeFileSync('swagger.json', json, 'utf8')
app.use(swagger(app , {
use : 'swagger.json' // 'swagger.yaml'
// excepts don't work with file .json and .yaml
const PORT = 3000
app.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(`Server is running on http://localhost:${PORT}`);