A lean and kind Open Microscopy Environment (OME) Next Generation File Format (NGFF) Zarr implementation.
- Minimal dependencies
- Work with arbitrary Zarr store types
- Lazy, parallel, and web ready -- no local filesystem required
- Process extremely large datasets
- Conversion of most bioimaging file formats
- Multiple downscaling methods
- Supports Python>=3.9
- Reads OME-Zarr v0.1 to v0.5 into simple Python data classes with Dask arrays
- Optional OME-Zarr data model validation during reading
- Writes OME-Zarr v0.4 to v0.5
- Optional writing via tensorstore
More information an command line usage, the Python API, library features, and how to contribute can be found in our documentation.
is distributed under the terms of the
MIT license.