It's pretty easy to generate Traffic with docker.
git clone
cd Traffic-Generator-with-Docker-and-Tor
docker build -t traffic .
docker run --name test1 traffic -loop 5 -u -l 5 -d True -w 5
Required "docker run --name test1 traffic -loop 5"
-loop how many times will it be repeated
-u URL
-d Debug bool
-w Wait time redirect
-l Limit ( follow links )
- First visit site
- if the limit is more than 0 it scans the links. Counts the links. It works from large to small. I am working to improve. Feel free to write to me for your ideas.
note: These settings weaken your site's security.
LOGIN > Firewall > Firewall Rules > Add
Rule Name = Tor access
Then Bypass
Field Country = Value Tor